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Ewidencja mandatów

"Ewidencja mandatów" is a commercial (closed-source, at least for now) database program of mine. The name is in Polish, the crude English translation is "to manage the (criminal) mandates". It's used in the Polish government, in Dolnośląski Urząd Wojewódzki in Wrocław, since 2004 to at least 2011. It was implemented in 2004/2005, in Delphi for Win32, using Firebird as a database backend.

I think it turned out quite good :) The system is working flawlessly on a huge database, with many clients connected through the local network, without any need for modifications and even server administration since a couple of years. I don't actively develop it anymore, as there's no reason anymore — it's already perfect :)

  1. Modified JVCL exporter sources
  2. Plans

1. Modified JVCL exporter sources

I used a modified version of the JvDBGridExport unit from JVCL, on the Mozilla Public License. Here are the sources of my KambiDBGridExport.pas unit (19 KB). Included is also a patch between original JvDBGridExport unit, for your convenience. Note that it requires unit KambiUtils from my Castle Game Engine.

I didn't report my changes back to the JVCL project, as they (may) be quite specific to my needs. For simplicity, I also removed some functionality from the original unit (HandleException, Silent, LastExceptionMessage), that I think is a bad design. You're welcome to take my modifications and report them to JVCL.

2. Plans

If you're interested in this program and would like to get more information, please contact me via email. I planned one day to put here a demo version of the program, for now please just contact me if you want to get such demo.

If I will ever restart the development of this program, I'll probably start from porting it to Lazarus and making it cross-platform (right now it can be used on Linux only through Wine).

You all know that I love open-source and Linux, so the fact that this program is closed-source, developed in closed-source Delphi and only for closed-source Windows is a little thorn in my side. Possibility to release sources as open-source exists, depending on the interest of others.

In any case, please contact me if you're interested in the future of this program, and have any suggestions for restarting it's development, either commercial or not, either open-source or not.